Who I am:
Stefan H.
Age: forever young
Progress alright!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Today was a totally wet day so we went in to town and took a look at the house.
Check out the pictures. It is definitely not done yet BUT I absolutely see progress here.
What’s left to do is the “fine tuning”
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In case you are wondering
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
what has been going on for the last few days.....
.......well, we are at the summer house and chillin. If that is what you can call what I did in the pictures above.
The days have been very lazy and to be honest, I have been a bit “off”- could be withdrawal syndrome from working too hard?
What’s been keeping me up though is driving the boat to indulge Ring and Jara in their pursuit of water
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Yeah, why not call this entry # 10
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I did not work so late today. I figured it is a Sunday, so it is a good excuse not to work so late. BUT tomorrow, I will be helping out a bit before we head out to the summer house.
Anyways, check out the pictures and enjoy.
Can’t wait till everything is done
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And on the 7th day.....
Saturday, July 21, 2007
.....I decided to rest. (Check out the untouched latte and cold beer!)
I am soooo tired...never been this tired in the longest time. Am I looking forward to a well deserved rest at Varmdö- wakeboading!
Check out the picture below for what’s new at home.
By the way, watch out for part two of this blog. No not after summer, that is still part one. I meant “Stefan’s Adventure 2008!!!” haha!
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Men at work
Friday, July 20, 2007
The guys responsible for the mess at home, Janne and Kjelle.
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Dec 2002
Fela Kute
Muddy Waters
Dr. John
This blog is still under construction. I will be adding stuff when I am not too busy with building.